eucass 2025 | 20th Anniversary | 11th European Conference for AeroSpace Sciences (EUCASS)

Submission guidelines

  • 1 October 2024

    Call for papers

  • 15 January 2025

    Abstract deadline

Abstract submission

  • Authors are invited to submit their abstract from this website.
  • To submit an abstract, we invite you to use the « Abstract submission » button, and to respect the guidelines and the template for the document layout you will find below.
  • Authors will have to specify if they wish to present an oral communication or a poster. Abstracts will then be reviewed and selected by the scientific committee members, and the organizing committee. The selected candidates for both posters and oral communications will be notified by the Conference Secretariat.


  • If you want to submit multiple papers, you only need to create ONE web account. Please use the same account (personal access code) for any additional submission.
    To ensure that your abstract is maintained in the programme, you must register online and pay your registration. Deadline for such registration will be defined later.
    All submissions (PDF format) must be made online from the website. Abstracts sent by email will not be accepted.

Abstract Guidelines

  • Abstract must be in English, and should not exceed one-page A4 format (portrait)
  • Margins: 25mm each side
  • Text: Left and right justified, Interline 1.5 line, Times, size 10
  • Title: Times, bold, capital letters, size 14, centered
  • Name of the authors: Times, size 10, centered, presenting author underlined
  • Authors address/affiliation: Times, size 9, centered, italics; each affiliation in a new paragraph
  • Bibliographical references are not mandatory
  • The PDF file size must not exceed 3 Mb
  • You must carefully follow the template below. Any abstract which does not comply with this template will not be accepted.

Specifications for the Electronic File Format


The abstract MUST be submitted as a PDF-file Scanned PDF-files are not allowed.

Files must be created using a PDF-distiller, all fonts must be embedded. The file may neither contain any form of security, nor bookmarks, links or multiple files in a single PDF file.


As a reminder

 Make sure to download the template for your abstract.

If you are unable to download any of the files, please contact us: