Our Committees
Programme Committee Chair
- Christophe Bonnal, EUCASS
Local Technical Committee
A local technical committee has been appointed that will include people from Academics, industries, agencies, and research centers.
Francesco Nasuti
Professor, Director of Aerospace Research Center of Sapienza (CRAS), Sapienza University of Rome
Paolo Bellomi
CEO, Finsterrae, s.r.l. -
Marco Brancati
SVP Research, Digital & Innovation, Telespazio, S.p.A. -
Salvatore Borrelli
Space Technology Integration and Demonstrators, Division Manager, C.I.R.A., Centro Italiano Ricerche Aerospaziali -
Antonio Carcaterra
Professor, Head of Mechanical and Aerospace Department, Sapienza University of Rome -
Massimo Claudio Comparini
Managing Director Space Business Unit, Leonardo -
Mario Cosmo
Science and Research Director, Italian Space Agency -
Gerardo Lancia
Head of Clusters and Institutional Relations, Lazio Innova, S.p.A. -
Ettore Scardecchia
Head of engineering, Avio S.p.A.
Scientific Committee
- Christophe Bonnal, EUCASS, France
Aerodynamics and Flight Physics for Aircraft and Launch Vehicles including Re-Entry bodiesPhysics AEROFLIPHY | Doyle | KNIGHT | Rutgers University | USA |
Luis Miguel | GARCIA-CUEVAS | Polytechnic University of Valencia | Spain | |
Vincenzo | GULIZZI | University of Palermo | Italy | |
Abdellah | HADJADJ | CORIA | France | |
Ardeshir | HANIFI | KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Sweden | |
Sergey | LEONOV | University Notre Dame | USA | |
Raffaello | MARIANI | KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Sweden | |
David Moussa | SALAZAR | Western Michigan University | USA | |
Philippe | REIJASSE | ONERA | France | |
Ciro | SALVI | DLR | Germany | |
Jeroen | VAN DEN EYNDE | ESA | Netherlands | |
Antonio | VIVIANI | Campania University L. Vanvitelli | Italy | |
Aerostats Airships, balloons, lighter than air AEROST | Salvo | MARCUCCIO | University of Pisa | Italy |
CFD & Multi-Physics Simulation in Aerospace CFDMPS | Jorge | GARCIA-TISCAR | Polytechnic University of Valencia | Spain |
Santiago | HERNANDEZ | University of Coruna | Spain | |
Leandro | MAGALHAES | Institute of Education and Sciences (ISEC Lisbon) | Portugal | |
Fabio | PAGLIA | Avio | Italy | |
Loïc | SALLES | University of Liège | Belgium | |
Giuseppe | SCARLATELLA | TU Dresden | Germany | |
Climate-Neutral Aviation Fuels and Alternative Propulsion Systems Session Organized with EASN CLINAV | Andreas | STROHMAYER | EASN | Germany |
Marc | BELLENOUE | ENSMA | France | |
Leandro | MAGALHAES | Institute of Education and Sciences (ISEC Lisbon) | Portugal | |
Daniel | RECKZEH | Airbus | ||
Flight Dynamics/GNC & Avionics for Aeronautic and Space Applications FDGNCAV | Philippe | VERNIS | ArianeGroup | France |
Eric | BOURGEOIS | CNES | France | |
Daniel | CHOUKROUN | Ben Gurion University | Israel | |
Irene | CRUCIANI | Avio | Italy | |
Martine | GANET | MaiaSpace | France | |
Dario | MODENINI | University of Bologna | Italy | |
Mauro | PONTANI | University of Rome La Sapienza | Italy | |
Badr | RMILI | MaiaSpace | France | |
Salvatore | SAGNELLI | Avio | Italy | |
Francesco | SANFEDINO | ISAE-SupAéro | France | |
Charles | VALLET | Ex-Astrium | France | |
Massimiliano | VASILE | Strathclyde Univerrsity | United Kingdom | |
Advanced Aerospace Designs by Innovative Flow Control Technologies FLOCONIA | Alain | MERLEN | Lille University | France |
Adrien | CHAN HON TONG | ONERA | France | |
Stéphane | ORIOL | CNES | France | |
Shia-Hui | PENG | Chalmers University | Sweden | |
Markus | RÜTTEN | DLR Göttingen | Germany | |
Daniel | RECKZEH | Airbus | ||
Markus | RÜTTEN | DLR Göttingen | ||
Eike | STUMPF | RWTH Aachen University | ||
Human factors in Aviation and Space HUMANF | ||||
New systems for future space operations NEWSPA | Giovanni | PALMERINI | University of Rome La Sapienza | Italy |
Matteo | CERIOTTI | Glasgow University | United Kingdom | |
Lilly | ETZENBACH | MIT | USA | |
Armin | HERBERTZ | ESA-ESTEC | Netherlands | |
René | LAUFER | Luleaa Tekniska University | Sweden | |
Jamila | MANSOURI | ESA | Netherlands | |
Philippe | TATRY | Airbus | France | |
Propulsion Physics for Aeronautic and Space Applications PROPHY | Nathalie | GIRARD | CNES | France |
Francesco | BATTISTA | CIRA | Italy | |
Yann | BATONNEAU | Université de Poitiers | France | |
Marc | BELLENOUE | ENSMA | France | |
Bastien | BOUST | ENSMA | France | |
Helmut | CIEZKI | DLR | Germany | |
Luciano | GALFETTI | Politecnico di Milano | Italy | |
Stany | GALLIER | ArianeGroup | France | |
Jose | GONZALEZ DEL AMO | ESA-ESTEC | Netherlands | |
Justin | HARDI | DLR | Germany | |
Christoph | KIRCHBERGER | DLR | Germany | |
Pasquale Edoardo | LA PENNA | University of Rome La Sapienza | Italy | |
Daniele | LIUZZI | Avio | Italy | |
Leandro | MAGALHAES | Institute of Education and Sciences (ISEC Lisbon) | Portugal | |
Emanuele | MARTELLI | Politecnico Torino | Italy | |
Olivier | ORLANDI | ArianeGroup | France | |
Johan | STEELANT | ESA-ESTEC | Netherlands | |
Annafederica | URBANO | ISAE-SupAéro | France | |
Reusable Systems for Space Access and In-Orbit Operations REUSYS | Elisa | CLIQUET-MORENO | CNES | France |
Ingrid | DIETLEIN | DLR | Germany | |
Lilly | ETZENBACH | MIT | USA | |
Gérard | ORDONNEAU | ONERA | France | |
Luca | TROISI | ESA | France | |
Jeroen | VAN DEN EYNDE | ESA | Netherlands | |
Jascha | WILKEN | DLR | Germany | |
Space Exploration - In Situ Resource Utilization SPEXPLO | Matteo | CERIOTTI | Glasgow University | United Kingdom |
Cédric | DUPONT | Air Liquide | France | |
Ricard | GONZALEZ-CINCA | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-Barcelona Tech | Spain | |
Britta | SCHADE | ESA-ESTEC | Netherlands | |
Massimiliano | VASILE | Strathclyde Univerrsity | United Kingdom | |
Structures & Materials for Aeronautic and Space Systems STRMAT | Michel | BERDOYES | Ex-ArianeGroup | France |
Julien | BERTHE | ONERA | France | |
Eric | DELETOMBE | ONERA | France | |
Ignazio | DIMINO | CIRA | Italy | |
Paolo | GASBARRI | University of Rome La Sapienza | Italy | |
Antonio Mattia | GRANDE | Politecnico di Milano | Italy | |
Blanka | LENCZOWSKI | Airbus Defense and Space | Germany | |
Guillaume | LORTIE | Maia Space | France | |
Wolfgang | LUBER | Ex-Technical University of Munich | Germany | |
Kevin | MATHIS | CNES | France | |
Randolph | ODI | Pt21 Solutions | Switzerland | |
Eric | PAROISSIEN | ISAE-Supaéro | France | |
Christian | WEIMER | Airbus | Germany | |
Space Student Projects STUDENT | David | TCHOUKIEN | CNES | France |
Sophie | MISSONNIER | CT Paris | France | |
Sustainable Aviation: Aircraft Design and Flight Operations SUSTAV | Leandro | MAGALHAES | Institute of Education and Sciences (ISEC Lisbon) | Portugal |
Sustainable Space: Logistics and Space Debris SUSTSP | Camilla | COLOMBO | Politecnico di Milano | Italy |
Emmanuelle | DAVID | EPFL | Switzerland | |
Matteo | CERIOTTI | Glasgow University | United Kingdom | |
Stephan | HELLMICH | EPFL | Switzerland | |
Filippo | MAGGI | Politecnico di Milano | Italy | |
Jamila | MANSOURI | ESA | Netherlands | |
Sophie | MISSONNIER | CT Paris | France | |
Antoinette | OTT | Maia Space | France | |
Massimiliano | VASILE | Strathclyde Univerrsity | United Kingdom | |
System-Integration on Aircraft and Space Systems SYSINT | Nicolas | BEREND | ONERA | France |
Patrick | HENDRICK | Université Libre de Belgique | Belgium | |
Salvo | MARCUCCIO | University of Pisa | Italy | |
Martin | SIPPEL | DLR | Germany | |
Frederic | TESTON | ESA | Netherlands | |
Testing in Aerospace TESTING | Raffaello | MARIANI | KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Sweden |
Turbomachinery for Aeronautical and Space Applications Session Organized with EUROTURBO TURBO | Francesco | MARTELLI | University of Florence | Italy |
Nicolas | BINDER | ISAE SUPAERO | France | |
Antoine | DAZIN | ENSAM-PARIS TECH | France | |
Marcello | MANNA | University of Naples Federico II | Italy | |
Jorg | SEUME | University of Hannover | Germany | |
Raul | VAZQUEZ-DIAZ | Rolls-Royce | United Kingdom | |
Damian | VOGT | University of Stuttgart | Germany | |
UAVs: Future Applications/Services and Specific Technologies UAVFUT | Patrick | HENDRICK | Université Libre de Belgique | Belgium |
Samuel | CUTULLIC | Normandie Aerospace | France | |
Patrick | HENDRICK | Université Libre de Belgique | Belgium | |
Raffaello | MARIANI | KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Sweden | |
Pavol | PECHO | University of Zilina | Slovakia |